Professional Technical Writer


October 2019

Long-term strategies for project productivity

One strategy for maintaining productivity when working on multiple projects is to try to complete one main task on each project each day. I have an illustration with arrows and blocks that helps keep me on track and aligns my… Continue Reading →

Matching documentation review practices to company culture

Although I’ve been doing tech writing for enough years that this issue shouldn’t even be an issue, I’m still perplexed by best practices around document review. The right practices seem to vary from company to company, from toolset to toolset,… Continue Reading →

Some specifications docs I've been working on — and thoughts on strategies and techniques for managing specs

Although specification documentation (which covers technical information about product details), doesn’t involve much actual writing, it does require you to make many judgments about what information to include, how to gather and retrieve these details, and how to structure and… Continue Reading →

Podcast with Jacob Moses on the Not-Boring Tech Writer: Skill #26: Getting Started with API Documentation

Jacob Moses has a podcast called The Not-Boring Tech Writer. Recently, he interviewed me for an episode titled Skill #26: Getting Started with API Documentation. Source: I’d Rather Be Writing Feed

Podcast: Dealing with Project Overload — Strategies to Manage Overflowing Documentation Tasks

In this podcast, I talk about how to deal with project overload, specifically covering strategies to manage tasks. Scrum is one framework for dealing with project work by allowing you to limit the work you have before you in a… Continue Reading →

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